The ministry of the Central Indiana Presbytery is carried out by our Ministry Teams. Each team has a clear area of jurisdiction. Ministry teams determine strategic priorities for the ministry year (January–December), and these initiatives are implemented by our shared financial and personal resources. As teaching elders and ruling elders serve together on these teams, ideas and strategies are discussed and then implemented that further the ministry of the gospel in the central Indiana region.
Leadership Development Team
The Central Indiana Presbytery seeks to identify and develop new leaders from within its boundaries, but also makes a way for leaders to enter into its community. The Leadership Development Team exists to aid in this process by training and examining ministry candidates, licentiates, and teaching elders.
Church Planting and Outreach Team
In an effort to pursue the goals of the Great Commission, the Church Planting and Outreach Team functions to plant new churches and empower missionaries locally, on college campuses, and throughout the world.
Pastoral Care Team
While each local church relies on their pastors for spiritual care, pastors need spiritual care as well. The Pastoral Care Team serves our Presbytery by providing encouragement and counsel to the ministers of presbytery and their wives.
Administrative Team
Often, the work of ministry does not get done without diligent and thoughtful work happening behind the scenes. The Administrative Ministry Team serves our Presbytery through providing oversight to the stated clerk and treasurer, reviewing Presbytery records, and handling inter-church relationships.
CIP Women
CIP women are ministry leaders and wives who gather during presbytery meetings for fellowship, prayer, unity, encouragement, and training. Its purpose is to create a space for the women and wives in leadership where they could share their hearts, be encouraged, receive support, be equipped and inspired in life and ministry.
Contact Joné Holroyd or Shanna Wenninger