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Indiana Presbytery
Pursuing licensure or ordination in the PCA can seem daunting, but this important process serves to be a blessing to everyone involved, protecting the candidate and the church.
On this page, you’ll find details outlining the process ending in Ordination in the PCA through the Central Indiana Presbytery.
1. Develop a faithful walk with the Lord – personally, in your family, and in your church.
2. Become an active member of a PCA church – the BCO (18-2) requires you to be a member of the PCA church recommending you for at least 6 months before applying to be a candidate.
3. Do some reading about what it means to be called to the ministry. Ed Clowney, Sinclair Ferguson, and Charles Spurgeon have some helpful books which address this.
4. Talk to your church pastor and session. Tell them of your interest in pursuing the ministry. Have them help you prepare and asses your giftedness for the ministry.
Candidacy (Coming Under Care of a PCA Presbytery)
“A candidate for ministry is a member of the church in full communion who, believing himself to be called to preach the Gospel, submits himself to the care and guidance of the presbytery in his course of study and of practical training to prepare himself for this office.” (BCO 18-1)
Each person desiring to be ordained must come under the care of their respective presbyteries. The presbytery in turn is responsible for encouraging and overseeing the candidate in his preparation for the ministry.
The ProcessEach person coming under the care and oversight of CIP must comply with the following:
He must be a member in good standing in a PCA church for a minimum of six months, prior to filing for candidacy status. Ordinarily this church would be one of the churches in CIP.
He must meet with the Session from his church regarding his candidacy, and receive their official endorsement to presbytery to take him under care.
He must contact the Chairman of the Leadership Development Team to arrange a meeting between the committee and himself, at an upcoming presbytery meeting.
He must submit the appropriate paperwork (see below) to the Chairman no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting.
If he is seeking to transfer his candidacy status from a different presbytery into CIP, he must contact that presbytery and receive their permission to transfer.
He must meet with the Leadership Development Team to discuss his candidacy plans, and be examined by the team, and the presbytery, on his Christian experience and call to ministry.
Necessary Documents
The following documents must be completed and submitted to the C&C Committee no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting to receive candidacy status:
Application for Candidacy Form
Formal Session Recommendation (This Session Questionnaire may be helpful)
If applicable, request by Session of home church and its presbytery (outside of CIP) to retain membership in that church while seeking candidacy in CIP (BCO 18-7)
Ongoing Oversight
The role of the presbytery, and the Leadership Development Team, is to encourage and oversee the candidate as he prepares for the ministry. Therefore the relationship and communication between the candidate and the committee and presbytery must continue throughout the ordination process.
The candidate is expected to submit regular reports to the Leadership Development Team, including:
A Candidate Annual Report in May (due 30 days prior to the May presbytery meeting), explaining the candidate’s spiritual progress and growth, the status of his education and continuing preparation for ministry, his involvement in specific ministries, future plans for internship, and ways in which presbytery may assist
An Annual Seminary Report each May (also due 30 days prior to the May presbytery meeting).
PLEASE NOTE: Candidates will remain under care of presbytery as long as this relationship remains active. Failure to regularly communicate and report to presbytery may result in the dismissal of the candidate’s under care status.
Prepare Academically
1. Receive a B.A. degree or its academic equivalent from a college or university.
2. Receive a diploma of Bachelor or Master from some approved theological seminary, or authentic testimonials of having completed a regular course of theological studies, or a certificate of completion of and endorsement from a theological study program as approved by the General Assembly and one of the Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America (see BCO 21-4).
3. During your academic training time make sure not to neglect the responsibilities mentioned in step 1 above. This is a crucial time to cultivate the Lord’s work in your own life and to seek wisdom regarding your call to the ministry.
Be Licensed to Preach by a PCA Presbytery
“To preserve the purity of the preaching of the Gospel, no man is permitted to preach in the pulpits of the Presbyterian Church in America on a regular basis without proper licensure from the presbytery having jurisdiction where he will preach.” (BCO 19-1)
Preaching the Word of God is a serious responsibility, and thus the licensure process is a necessary step in maintaining proper oversight over the pulpits and churches in a particular presbytery. Therefore, all those who preach on a regular basis within the boundaries of CIP must be licensed by CIP. CIP has defined “on a regular basis” as preaching more than 12 times in a year.
Any of the following, who preach regularly in CIP, must be licensed to preach:
All Teaching Elders in CIP
PCA Teaching Elders from other presbyteries, or other ordained ministers (such as Stated Supply for a particular church)
Interns or seminary students who are preaching
Ruling Elders or others called upon to preach
It is not necessary to be a candidate under care of presbytery (thereby seeking ordination) to be licensed to preach in CIP; although any who do preach regularly, and are not ordained, are encouraged to consider their gifts and calling, and to pursue ordination as the Lord so wills and leads. Interns may be granted licensure before, during or after their internship, depending upon the frequency of their preaching.
The Process
Each person seeking licensure in CIP must comply with the following:
He must contact the Chairman of the Leadership Development Team to arrange a meeting between the committee and himself, at an upcoming presbytery meeting.
He must submit the appropriate paperwork (see below) to the Chairman no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting
He must meet with the Leadership Development Team, and the presbytery, to be examined in the areas of Christian Experience and Call to Ministry, Theology, English Bible, and Church Government (BCO 19-2).
He must preach at the presbytery meeting; this sermon must embody both explanation and application of a particular passage of Scripture, and must be consistent with Gospel preaching.
Upon sustaining his examination and the approval of his sermon, he will then be licensed to preach in CIP.
PLEASE NOTE: Ordinarily a candidate or licentiate may not be granted permission by CIP to move onto the field to which he has been called, prior to his examination for licensure or ordination. Likewise a PCA ordained minister, or a minister from another denomination, ordinarily shall not move onto the field to which he has been called until examined and received by CIP. (BCO 21-1)
Necessary Documents
The following documents must be completed and submitted to the Leadership Development Team no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting to receive candidacy status:
Candidate Application Form (this form must be submitted even by those who are only seeking licensure, if we do not already have it.)
Written set of examinations on: English Bible, Theology, Church Government, and Views (these will come from the Leadership Development Team)
Written Sermon
If supplying pulpit of church (either Student or Stated Supply), written request from Session of church to use licentiate in this manner. This request must be renewed annually.
Contact the Chairman for the specific examinations required.
PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of ordained Teaching Elders on the roll at CIP, licensure will expire at the end of four years; after which time, if necessary, the licentiate may apply for renewal.
Complete an Approved Internship
“The Holy Scriptures require that some trial be previously made of those who are to be ordained to the ministry of the Word, both concerning their gifts and concerning their ability to rule as teaching elders…. To provide for such a period of trial, a candidate for ordination must serve an internship. This period of internship shall be at least one year in length, and may be longer at the discretion of the presbytery so as to give sufficient time for the presbytery to judge the candidate’s qualifications and service.” (BCO 19-7)
An internship is a mandatory step in the process of becoming ordained. The purpose of this internship is to test the intern’s gifts, to examine his abilities, and to develop his experience for the Gospel ministry. This internship may occur during or after the candidate’s formal education. While it is possible that an intern would receive financial compensation for his duties, an internship is primarily meant to be an educational and development program.
The requirements for an Internship in the CIP may be found here: Internship Manual & Internship Checklist
The Process
Those seeking an internship in CIP must comply with the following:
He must be a candidate under care of CIP. A person may apply for candidacy and an internship (and licensure, if so desired) at the same presbytery meeting.
He must obtain a formal recommendation from a Session to begin his internship (see document below).
He must have a position and program in some church, affording the intern “suitable ministry to test the intern’s gifts” (BCO 19-7). This may necessitate the intern becoming licensed to preach.
He must have a mentor. This may be a Teaching or Ruling Elder involved in the intern’s ministry (preferably a pastor at the local church being served). The mentor will be required to submit regular reports to the committee.
He must contact the Chairman of the Leadership Development Team to arrange a meeting between the committee and himself, at an upcoming presbytery meeting.
He must submit the appropriate paperwork (see below) to the Chairman no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting
He must meet with the Leadership Development Team, and the presbytery, to discuss his inward call to the ministry and plans for internship, and to gain their approval of both (BCO 19-7, 19-9).
At the end of the internship period, the intern must have his internship approved by the presbytery. If necessary the presbytery may extend the internship period for the benefit and growth of the candidate.
Necessary Documents
The following documents must be submitted to the Leadership Development Team, no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting, to be granted internship:
Internship Application Form
Internship Application – Session Recommendation
Internship Quarterly Report
Ongoing Oversight
As with candidacy, an internship is done under the oversight of the Leadership Development Team and CIP. Therefore the relationship between the intern and the committee and presbytery is essential. Each intern must submit a quarterly report to the Leadership Development Team, describing his ministerial experiences as an intern (BCO 19-12).
PLEASE NOTE: Failure to regularly communicate with and report to presbytery, or to remain active as an intern, may result in the dismissal of the candidate and his internship.
In order to be ordained in the PCA, you must have a call to a specific ministry of a congregation, presbytery, or the general assembly.
You should not move to the field on which you hope to ministry until after the presbytery has approved the call and given you permission to move to the field.
After you have received a definite call, you should contact the chairman of the exams committee and express your desire to be ordained at the next presbytery meeting.
Be Ordained in a PCA Presbytery
“Ordination is the authoritative admission of one duly called to an office in the Church of God…” (BCO 17-2)
Ordination is the final step in becoming a Teaching Elder (Pastor) in the CIP and in the PCA. It involves the completion of his preparation for the ministry and his moving into a specific role in service to Christ.
The ProcessEach person seeking ordination must comply with the following:
He must be a candidate under care of CIP.
He must have completed a period of internship.
He must be licensed to preach in CIP.
He must have a bachelor’s degree and a seminary education (or its approved equivalent).
He must have an official call to a particular church or ministry.
He must contact the Chairman of the Leadership Development Team to arrange a meeting between the committee and himself, at an upcoming presbytery meeting.
He must submit the appropriate paperwork (see below) to the Chairman no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting
He must meet with the Leadership Development Team and be examined by the committee, and the presbytery, on Church History and the Sacraments. PLEASE NOTE: While other areas of examination should have preceded this step, in candidacy and in licensure, the candidate may be examined on particular points again at the discretion of the presbytery (BCO 21-4)
Upon sustaining his examination the candidate will be ordained and installed, at a specific time and place, by a commission of presbytery.
PLEASE NOTE: Ordinarily a candidate or licentiate may not be granted permission by CIP to move onto the field to which he has been called, prior to his examination for licensure or ordination. Likewise a PCA ordained minister, or a minister from another denomination, ordinarily shall not move onto the field to which he has been called until examined and received by CIP (BCO 21-1).
Necessary Documents
The following documents must be submitted to the Leadership Develop0ment Team, no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting, to be granted internship:
Candidacy Application Form (by this time, we should already have this)
Transcripts from college and seminary awarding candidate’s degrees
Written set of examinations: English Bible, Theology, Church Government, Church History, Sacraments, and Views.
Exegesis paper (Paper guidelines, here)
Theological paper (Paper Guidelines, here)
Written call to a particular work (properly attested and signed; BCO 20-1, 20-6 through 20-8)
Recommended Commission to ordain and install candidate; this commission should consist of three Teaching Elders and Three Ruling Elders from CIP, and at least one of each should be from churches other than the one extending the call; the date, time, and place of the ordination and installation must also be included in the recommendation.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of these documents and examinations may have been completed in earlier steps of the ordination process (such as in candidacy or licensure). Each candidate should consult with the Chairman of the Leadership Development Team regarding the specific documents and areas of examination still required to complete the ordination process.
There are a number of situations which might require a candidate or minister to transfer his candidacy or credentials into CIP, such as when a minister from outside the presbytery entertains a call to pastor a church within the boundaries of CIP.
The requirements for specific transfers are listed below. Yet in each case, each person seeking transfer must comply with the following:
He must contact the Leadership Development Team to arrange a meeting between the committee and himself, at an upcoming presbytery meeting.
He must submit the appropriate paperwork to the Chairman no later than 30 days prior to the designated presbytery meeting, including a Transfer Application Form.
He must meet with the Leadership Development Team and be examined by the team, and the presbytery, to have his particular transfer approved.
A candidate from another presbytery in the PCA may, for various reasons and upon the approval of that presbytery, request to come under care of CIP; at which point CIP would request a letter of dismissal from that presbytery to CIP. The candidate is then obliged to fulfill the requirements for candidacy in CIP.
An applicant from another denomination must present testimonials of his standing in that body and must become a member of a PCA congregation, as well as fulfill the other requirements for candidacy.
If during the course of an internship, the intern should move from his presbytery into the boundaries of CIP, CIP may, at its discretion, take up the internship at the point in which it was left, and conduct it to a conclusion (BCO 19-11). The intern must submit proper testimonials from the former presbytery to CIP, and fulfill the requirements for an internship under the care of CIP.
Licensure is not transferable from presbytery to presbytery; each presbytery is responsible for licensing those who preach within its own boundaries. Thus any who desire to be licensed in CIP must fulfill the requirements for licensure.
However, a PCA ordained minister who is a member in good standing of another presbytery may be licensed to preach in CIP after being examined as to his views, according to the provision of BCO 13-6.
A PCA ordained minister must submit or comply with the following to transfer his credentials into CIP (in addition to those listed above):
Letter from Stated Clerk of current presbytery attesting that he is in good standing
Written Examination on Views
He must be examined by the committee and presbytery on his Christian experience and call to ministry, and touching on his views in theology, the sacraments, and church government (BCO 13-6).
Written call to a particular work (properly attested and signed, BCO 20-1, 20-6 through 20-8)
Submit a recommended Commission to install minister; this commission should consist of three Teaching Elders and Three Ruling Elders from CIP, and at least one of each should be from churches other than the one extending the call; the date, time, and place of the installation must also be included in the recommendation.
A non-PCA ordained minister seeking to transfer his credentials into CIP must submit or comply with the following:
Transcripts from college and seminary awarding minister’s degrees
Exegesis paper
Theological paper
Completed set of written examinations: English Bible, Theology, Church Government, Church History, Sacraments, and Views.
He must be examined by the committee and presbytery in those areas above (BCO 13-6, 24-1).
Written call to a particular work (properly attested and signed; BCO 20-1, 20-6 through 20-8).
Submit a recommended Commission to install minister; this commission should consist of three Teaching Elders and Three Ruling Elders from CIP, and at least one of each should be from churches other than the one extending the call; the date, time, and place of the installation must also be included in the recommendation.