Local Partners and Resources
Reformed University Fellowship
Reformed University Fellowship is the campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), with chapters on over 130 campuses. RUF at Purdue began in the fall of 2009. RUF at Indiana University began in 2012.
Though RUF is Presbyterian in affiliation, we welcome students from all walks of life—both the “convinced” and the “unconvinced.” Regardless of your beliefs or doubts, RUF is a place for you to explore Christianity and grow in your understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him in community with others at Purdue.
Parakaleo helps women around the world build gospel-rooted resilience and feel less alone in church planting.
Women in church planting tend to be strong in faith and deeply committed to the work. Yet when challenges, criticism, and chaos inevitably come, it can be difficult to draw comfort from the very gospel that redeemed them and will sustain them. This can lead to burnout and resentment, ultimately impacting the church’s success. This dynamic is especially true for the planter’s wife, who has a culture-shaping presence in the congregation.