Central Indiana Presbytery exists
as a regional church to extend God’s kingdom
by strengthening existing churches,
planting new churches, developing leaders,
and caring for our shepherds.
The vision of the Central Indiana Presbytery is the picture (or dream) of what we hope God will do through the Central Indiana Presbytery over the next five years. It is a dream so big that it requires God’s powerful work and our wholehearted participation.
The vision takes the four core areas of our mission and asks: “If we fulfill this mission in over the next five years what would the impact look like in these four areas – (1) regional church, (2) strengthening existing churches, (3) planting churches, (4) caring for our shepherds.
The core values of the Central Indiana Presbytery reveal and remind us what the core commitments of our Presbytery are. As we practice these values, they create and nurture a culture of the gospel.
1. Enthusiastically and energetically performing the business of the church while doing all things decently and in order.
2. Worshiping with joy.
3. Emphasizing prayer.
4. Spreading the gospel.
5. Demonstrating the grace of the gospel.
6. Modeling for our congregations our relationship with Christ and each other.
7. Practicing honesty and accountability.
8. Pursuing unity and camaraderie over competition.
9. Partnering together and sharing our resources.
10. Promoting and practicing sacrificial giving.